March 1, 2023

Online Event Promotion: How to Get Experts to Share Your Event

You've managed to put together an event. You even have experts coming in. Good job, congrats. It’s now online event promotion time. If you want your experts to promote your event, stay out of their way.
February 22, 2023

Lessons Learned From a Successful Summit

I recently hosted a successful summit called the grow and profit online summit a few months ago. Reasons it was successful include: Good timing. Strategic promotional activities. Effectively working with experts.
February 15, 2023

Stressful Launches Are Affecting You And Those Around You

Stressful launches are not fun to deal with. They can have a negative impact on your health and on people around you. However, consequences can be avoided by having the right mindset, planning ahead, and good time management.
February 1, 2023

List Management: 5 Best Practices to Maintaining A Profitable List

Our lists are instrumental for marketing purposes. Some list management techniques include: • Put customers first. • Consider the client's journey. • Connect with your list. • Make customers spend. • Close the loopholes.
January 25, 2023

My Marketing Tech Stack: an overview of my daily tools and resources

Every professional has a set of tools they use in their business. I’m no different. As a marketing professional, I have what I call my marketing tech stack. It consists of my page builders, transcription software, scheduling tools, email marketing services, and more.
January 19, 2023

Know And Stay Ahead of Your Business Numbers

Consider using a scorecard if you want to stay on top of your business numbers. It can include items such as: • A monthly pay role, in other words what I’m paying myself, my contractors, and my associates. • Expenses. • Invoices. • Fees from PayPal, Stripe, etc.