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January 5, 2023Struggling to find joy in your work? Feeling burnt out and disconnected from your business? In this episode, I am going to discuss how to fall in love with your work and build a business you adore!
You’ve worked hard to make your business what it is. Of course, you love it. You also hate your business at times. It’s nature.
Businesses are like relationships. We need to nurture and handle them with care. Relationships have their ups and downs, and the last 2 years have shown us an unprecedented low in business relationships.
How I feel about my business
I’ve been in business for nine years, and it’s changed me for the better. More than that, my business has taught me a lot about myself.
There’ve been times I woke up early or stayed up late because I love what I do.
I’ve fallen in and out of love with my business more than once. I’ve treated it with disdain. I even thought of ending things on several occasions.
There are days I really feel like working and other days when I’m not really into it.
The thing is we are always renewing that spark, wonder, and curiosity of what we do. Just like we are always trying to keep the romance going in a long-term relationship.
And it does take effort to keep your business running. That’s because your business is like a living, breathing, entity that has a personality of its own. It has good and bad days.
The business falls apart when we don’t nurture and treat it with all the respect and dignity it deserves. Stories I could tell you about what happens when I don’t put romance, love, and interest into my business are not for the faint of heart.
While I’ve struggled with my business, I’ve also learned what works and what doesn’t work.
I know what maintains the spark between me and my business are the success stories. All the people who are changed and manage to transform their own businesses because what I do is what keeps me going.
It makes me happy and always renews my interest in my work.
Training is very important. I’m always trying to level up my skills. This also means I’m always looking to people who are already ahead in their journey to see what they’re doing right.
I never stop signing up for new classes, reading articles, jumping on Clubhouse rooms, and connecting with entrepreneurs.
Working on myself
Resilience was my word for 2020. To me, this meant being able to bounce back.
I’m a very sensitive person who wears my emotions on my sleeve. I instinctively go on the defensive when I feel I’m being attacked. That’s something I’ve had to work on.
I’ve had to have tough conversations with my partner, friends, and people in my circle. I’ve had to have conversations where I learned not to be stubborn or not to take offense at genuine criticism.
One of the things I’ve done is actually distance myself from people who just want to take from me without giving. If you’re an entrepreneur, you know what I’m talking about. Those people who are always trying to talk you into charging low prices.
Through trial and error, I’ve come to understand those folks are not my people. And they’re not your people. Entertaining them will only make you hate your business and everything you stand for.
It’s okay to love and hate your business
The last 2 years have taken its toll on many people. It’s taken a toll on me.
I see you. I know the struggles you’re facing. They’re issues I’ve faced as well.
Even if you’re only taking minute steps, you’re making progress.
Things are not what we want them to be. But that doesn’t mean there are no opportunities to rekindle the spark in your business. Find those opportunities, and keep the interest alive.
Take a moment to recommit to the things that make you happy and keep the romance alive in your business.
I’ve been organizing summits and helping businesses build and convert leads for more than eight years. Book a free call with me to discuss your business.