The Seven Intensive Habits of a Successful Business Leader
March 22, 20237 Steps Summit Success: How to Plan Your First Online Summit
April 13, 2023Here Is How You Can Add Dozens More!
Struggling to boost webinar sign-ups? Discover powerful strategies to add webinar subscribers and make your event a hit! Fewer people than you expected have subscribed for your webinar. And oh, your webinar happens to be taking place tomorrow. What a pickle, eh?
Most people tend to throw in the towel at this point. They think there’s no purpose in continuing to promote at this stage.
I’ve done dozens of webinars with Alyson. I’ve been in a position where there were too few subscribers to my webinar two days before.
Rather than despair, I saw the bigger picture. I started thinking like my clients.
I’m going to share with you techniques on how you can get last-minute subscribers.
The standard way of organizing a webinar
We like to start registering people days, sometimes weeks before the date. The truth is most people don’t think or plan that far ahead.
Now don’t get me wrong. Getting the message about our program out there days in advance is a masterstroke. It ensures people hear about the webinar more than once. Here is another article where I wrote about making announcements in advance.
The mistake we tend to make is not writing last-ditch emails. These are messages that go out during the last 18 to 24 hours before your webinar.
If you send out last-ditch emails, you will more likely add webinar subscribers to your event, even if it’s just a handful of people. However, in my experience, these emails can result in dozens to hundreds of subscribers.
Last minute actions
Start by crafting about six emails. Make sure you repurpose these emails into social media posts.
These messages are aimed at people who are deciding what to do tomorrow afternoon or a couple of hours from now.
If you’re doing social media, remember to include nice images to go with it.
A day before
Send out the first email the afternoon before the webinar.
It can say something like, “I’m excited to be hosting this event. It’s taking place tomorrow, and there are only a few spots open. So book your place now, etc.”
The night before
This is where you let people get a behind-the-scenes glimpse.
Send out a message where you just tell them you’re preparing for the webinar.
If you’re going to be using slides, take screenshots or a Loom of them. Post it on your social media and include it in your email.
You’re showing people your process. Something from the slides might be the tipping point that makes someone press the register button.
Remind them the webinar is tomorrow, and you’re actually putting the final touches on your preparations. If they still want to register, there are still a few available spots.
I see a spike in subscribers when I post slides.
The morning before
Send out another email and/or social media post on the morning of the event. This is more of an “it’s happening now let’s go” kind of message.
Remember to keep it short and conversational here. You need to create that sense of urgency and immediacy.
I tend to hold my events at 13:00. So mid-morning is around 11:00 a.m. for me.
I send out another combination of email and social media messages at that time.
Like the evening message, this is more about your process. It can go something like, “What do you do before hosting an event? I have a champion’s breakfast of lamb chops. By the way, we are starting in an hour and a half. Click here to get a last-minute reservation.”
By the way, the morning messages are what get me the most subscribers from the last-ditch folks.
Ten minutes before
I send out a final message ten minutes before starting. This is usually just a sentence.
It can say something like, “My webinar on X starts in fifteen minutes. If you still want in, here’s the link. Cheers.”
Short and sweet.
And that’s the last of the eleventh-hour emails.
I’m not the “watch it now over the next hour or forever die of curiosity” kind of person. I like to encourage people to watch the replay.
I usually send a link to the replay in a roundup message. It goes something like, “did you check out this podcast episode. I’m also appearing on this Facebook Live tomorrow night, you can come and check it out, I just thought I’d let you know about it. And if you didn’t catch it, here’s the link to watch the class that I had earlier this week where a lot of people were registered.
These are last-ditch email techniques to get more people to register for your webinar.
Is it more work? Yes. Does it require you to write more content? Yes. Is it adding more to your plate? Absolutely.
But it’s 100% worth it. This can surely help add webinar subscribers to your event.
Do you need a summit expert in your corner? Not just any expert, but someone who has organized over 350 summits? Let’s chat.