Online Event Promotion: How to Get Experts to Share Your Event
March 1, 2023
Behind the Scenes of a Highly Successful Online Summit: An Insider’s Look
March 15, 2023Your sphere of influence has finally reached the heights you’ve always wished for. You’re scheduled to speak at three separate summits in the same week. You’re now promoting multiple events.
As tempting as it is, never agree to be on different events at around the same time.
I know you think getting yourself in front of many people is always a win. This is not necessarily the case.
Conversion confusion
If you attend and promote events happening at around the same time, you cause what I call conversion confusion.
You’ll be promoting multiple events to the exact same audience at the same time.
You’ll be telling them, “check me out at this summit on Thursday afternoon, come and see me on this webinar on Thursday afternoon, and make sure to tune into this panel where I’m participating the next morning.”
If I were your audience, I’d be confused. Which of the three events am I actually supposed to attend?
The next step is people will simply become fed up with your messages. They’ll stop reacting because you’re all over the place.
If they do react, understand people are busy with their own lives and work. They possibly can’t attend every single event you promote, especially when they’re back to back.
What happens is if they don’t start ignoring you, people will only pick one event to attend. And it might not be the one you hoped most people would choose.
Promoting multiple events is unfair to your host
I know you’re probably thinking, “Hey, hang on a minute. Multiple events mean more exposure and more people opting to receive my free gift. The more the merrier, right?”
Not necessarily.
Aside from the issues we just spoke about, think of your host. You’re doing them the greatest disservice.
Many people will probably be annoyed if they see you giving other events space in your promotional messages, when you’re supposed to be promoting them.
Both hosts know people are busy, and they’ll never be able to attend every single event you promote. Both hosts know that you’re splitting subscribers.
That’s not a good position to be in with your host. Moreover, it’s unlikely they’ll ever invite you to another event again.
Besides, you know the digital footprint is a thing, right? Whatever you post on the internet stays there.
If someone else is hosting an event some time later, and they’re considering inviting you, they’ll probably look at your socials to see how you promote events.
If they see you have a tendency of promoting multiple events at the same time, they’ll think twice about inviting you. No one wants to share promo space with other events on the same page.
Promoting multiple events not only damages your current relationship with hosts, it can also lose you opportunities you’ll never know about.
What’s the answer?
Only promote one event at a time. Look at your promo calendar. If there’s an event for April, then only promote that and nothing else in April.
Use your calendar to create a promotion schedule. Decide what you’ll promote this month, next month, and so on.
Promoting multiple events at the same time will eventually work against you.
Being recognized in your field is great. Everyone scrambling to have you speak at their event is amazing.
However, as tempting as it sounds, don’t promote multiple events at the same time. It confuses your people and damages your relationship with hosts.
Speaking of promoting, are you stuck trying to build your list? Do you need an expert in your corner for your next summit? Book a free call with me today. I’ve organized over 270 successful summits and helped several entrepreneurs grow their lists.